Thursday, July 3, 2008

Fun Weekend!

Last weekend we had a lot going on but we had a lot of fun with lots of different friends & family. Saturday we had some friend over for a cookout in afternoon. Uncle Mike was a hit pulling all 4 big kids in the wagon around the yard. I think he might have regretted that one later :)
We then went to a Whitecaps game that was sponsored by Ken's work. We got a little wet in the beginning but then it turned out to be a wonderful evening. The kids had a great time but I think next year we need to make some sort of kid play area and block them in. We spent a lot of time running down kids and hardly watching any of the game. Sunday Ken and I went on a motorcycle tour of Montcalm County - sounds exciting doesn't it. It really was quite nice seeing some lakes and things I'm sure I never would have. We met up with everyone for breakfast at Turk Lake Inn and from there adventured to many places I don't remember the names of right now. While we were doing that, Aunt Toni took the girls back to another Whitecaps game and I believe that they both were in bed by 8:30 that night. Which if you know our girls is quite early.
And last is just a funny picture of Jordyn since she has now become very independent and likes to feed herself everything. I think if she keeps this up, she may starve!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Ha! Cute picture of the kids and Mike - love it!! The picture of Jordyn is adorable!! No wonder she is a skinny little thing. :)