Friday, August 8, 2008

Catchin' Up

Zac @ Kobe

Well I haven't written in a while so a few things have gone on over the past couple weeks.
Zac turned 12 believe it or not. I can believe because I have to live with him every day. It's amazing how they all of sudden know everything when they get close to those teen years. We went to Kobe for his birthday dinner and he had a friend stay at the lake with us for the weekend. I think he had an overall good birthday along with learning some lessons about how much things cost.
We also spent last week at the lake and had almost all of the immediate Zimmer family there. We do something which is really kind of helpful for me since I tend to forget things like birthdays a lot. We get together for a weekend at the beginning of August and call it Birthday Bash. The Aunts then give presents to all of the nieces & nephews at that time for their birthdays. It is a big bunch of shopping but then it's done and no one gets forgotten (hopefully). Well here's a pic of the kids that were there and a pretty decent current picture of the our 3 little ones.


Courtney said...

Cute pictures!! I love the last one of the 3 of them. Adorable!

Sheryl said...

Wow! What a great bunch of good-lookin' kids you've got Traci!! :)